Friday, January 7, 2011

Its a new dawn..

Its a new day..

Its a new life..

And I'm feelin goooooooooooooood...

I partied like it was 1999 on NYE and had a great time ushering in 2011!

Now onto to what's in store for the next couple of months.

The online shop is going to be released very soon.

Side note: If I'm able to release it before Jan 24th any sales that come through I'll process them ASAP as...

I'm going on a FABULOUS holiday.

I'm not gonna lie...I'm jealous of myself!

I know, I know...this is not ceramics related..or is it?

All I know is that I'll be away for nearly a month and will be hitting NYC, Egypt and Dubai.


Why not!? Ha!

I will be taking the time to recharge my batteries and have some non-ceramic related adventures (I'll try...but if a ceramics adventure comes up I'm not going to say NO!)

And when I'm back I'm going to start the producing some new pretties!

So until my next post...Pretty out!