Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How do you do it?

Its quite a personal thing - how one stores their jewellery.

Their pretties. Their preciouses. Yes, I'm well aware that's not a real word but it kind of makes sense (Just squint and tilt your head to the right...that will it make it easier).

Some are squirrels (in that they lock every-single-bit-of-jewellery-away).

Some are peacocks (your out, your proud and you like to shake it all about).

Some are monkeys (you keep your pretties here, there and everywhere).


Some are hybrids (a little bit of this and a little bit of that).

Which one are you?

Here's a pic of my booky book case...Tonnes of books mixed with stuff from my travels and pretties on display.

Yes, I do wear all of my pretty rings. And, yes, I have read all those Alain de Botton books.

Monday, May 9, 2011

New print and colour release!

That's right pretties!

There is a new print set for release!!

Set for release at the June Perth Upmarket a new hot print is set for release! I hope you love love LOVE it as much as I do!

Oh! And.................a new colour!! ORANGE.

Yum! Yum! Just when you need a Vitamin C fix!

Check this space over the next couple of weeks..based on my eagerness I'm pretty sure I'll be posting a pic of the new print and colour soon!

Pretty Awesome!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Got plans on Saturday?

If that's a NO I hear you mutter make your way down to the Kalamunda Markets!

Its on the first Saturday of every month and for the next two months my pretties and I will be there! I will also be looking Irene Perry's glass jewellery!

So if your in the mood for a wander and in desperate need for a Mother's day gift make your way here:

WHAT: Kalamunda Arts & Craft Market
WHEN: 7th May 2011
WHERE: Haynes Road
Central Mall, Kalamunda
TIME: 9am til 3pm
BYO: Your $$ and our mouth!

See you there!

New Stockist: William Topp

Its official! I'm excited to announce my pretties are now stocked at William Topp!!

This fabulous shop currently stocks some of my pretty pretty rings and fabulous dangley earrings.

What are the deets of William Topp:

William Topp
452 William st
Perth WA Australia

If your in the mood/need to shop for some unique and cool gifts wonder down to Northbridge and check William Topp out! Or if your in the mood to play with some of my pretties!

To finish off here is a pic of my pretties in situ.

Pretty out!